Tuesday, April 04, 2006

The Most Dreaded Chore - suddenly made a whole lot better

Anybody who knows me knows that I dispise the twice yearly chore of "changing out the clothes." It's that time today - out with the winter, in with the summer. The chore today is made better by three things.

The first is that the kids are now big enough to carry in and out the tubs to the garage storage room. That makes things easier.

Second, is the fact that Ryan and Wes have made it easy to decide if I think the sweatpants are worth saving for another year. There is always that time spent wondering exactly how much they will grow over the next six months. However, every single pair they own looks like this -- so it's a pretty easy decision. New sweats all around next year.

Lastly, while I was out in the garage taking the tubs off the shelves, I spied a fanny pack. The kids and I are going on vacation in a few weeks, so I thought maybe I would use this instead of dragging a purse around. I don't like it, because it's black and I don't like black anything. If it were a pretty blue, well, there would be no problem with me using it. So I debated for a minute, pondering how useful it would be vs. the grossness of wearing black. I had just about decided to pitch it into the box for yard sale stuff, when I thought I should check into it a bit further, since it has a lot of zippered pockets.

I'm thinking that was a good decision on my part because when I opened up the back zipper, I found
Anyway you look at it, I just funded either 500 miles worth of gas, a night in a motel, food for a day, or lots of Duke soveniers. Yep, it's a good day. For me. Not so much for Diane. Her son is moving 1600 miles from home today. She could use your prayers as she sends him off today.