Thursday, April 20, 2006

Boy or Girl ???

Here's the gang in the ultrasound room. Not quite sure there were ever this many people watching one ultrasound before. Usually they said they limit it to 5 people, but we are a friendly group and they let us all in.

Left to right (after Andi) is Steve (Andi's dad) Pappaw, Nana, Big Guy, Carly, Kate (Big Guy's mom), Wes, Jacob and Ryan.

We watched this beautiful healthy baby flip and flop for over half of an hour and got several nice pictures. I will load up better ones later from Andi's CD but for now, this will have to do. Oh, and who is this beautiful baby? Why it's

Sophia Grace ~~ "Sophie"

When we left the hospital, Nana and I did a bit of shopping, but I can't show you all that stuff till we've had a little Sophie Shower. Hopefully that will be tonight and then I'll show you what I bought.