Friday, March 03, 2006

Little Nibblers

The kids and I had a very enjoyable day visiting with my friend, Heidi, and her 4 kids. They homeschool also and are taking the classes to become foster parents and hopefully adopt a sibling group. Hmmmm, where have I heard that story before? They have just bought an old country house that has the beautiful moulding, high ceilings and large bedrooms. Time to fill that house with kiddos! Heidi's in-laws are going through the classes too. They are looking to adopt 2 more children. Sure they have 10, ages 3 - 34 or so, but there is still love in their hearts to share.

It seems Ryan has decided that this ear lobe nibbling this is just alright in his book. Several times today I got some hugs and a quick nibble. Tonight when I was tucking him in, I asked him if he wanted to nibble my ear. If you have read
this, then you can imagine my surprise when he did. Ever so slowly, Ryan is joining the world of showing affection.

Bedtime seems to be his time to let his guard down. You have to have the abililty to picture this in order to understand it. Ryan likes to grab around my neck and hug me while I have my arms braced on the side of the bed. So he is doing all the holding on over his double bed. After he hugs me, he hooks his arms over mine and swings back and forth sideways. Wes then leans out of the top twin bunk to kiss me - and after kissing me, Wesley pushes Ryan's head down through the arm chute and Ryan falls onto his bed. This never ceases to amuse Wesley who seems to think it is hilarious - or Ryan either for that matter, because he will do it again and again. When I turn to tuck Jacob in his bed, it's like a secret signal for Ryan to then jump on my back. Wes will flop around laughing and Jacob will be shouting encouragement to Ryan to hang on while I spin around the room "looking" for Ryan.

Every night when Andi and Big Guy are here (4-5 nights a week usually) they go to tuck them in I have to go down the hallway first and tell them to go "find the boys." And every night it is something different. The boys have gone out for pizza...or ran away to New York City... or gone to a cave. Then it is up to them to find Wes and Ryan. This has been going on for over a year. It just doesn't seem to get old to them - and they are always under their blankets, giggling at their clever hiding place.

My dad and Sheila (my stepmom who is 7 years older than me) dropped by unexpectedly today and we had a great visit all afternoon and well into the night. I love surprises like that. I called them last night and left them a message that I needed to talk to some sane members of my family and wah-lah, they were here today. Dad fixed the computer in the kids' room, elevating his Super Hero status even higher. Ryan was giving a puppet show for Nana - but that ended abruptly when Pappaw announced it was fixed. Ryan was off and running to play computer games. Every game that we have is educational, so I love it that he is excited to play.

I was telling Nana about the ear nibbles and she still gets all mushy when she recalls how Ryan just reached over and took her hand this summer when they were coloring together. For those of us who know, love and appreciate Ryan's unique personality, these days will be memories we will always treasure. We wouldn't change him for the world.