Friday, March 31, 2006

Finishing up

Today is the day the armoires will easily go into the bedroom. I say that with firmness, hoping that somehow a piece of furniture in the garage can read and understand what I am typing, tell the furniture next to it what is expected and they both come willingly, so nothing or nobody gets hurt. Otherwise, it ain't gonna be pretty.

As much as I am happy about getting to this point, I dread the actual moving them in - maneuvering these 7 foot monstrosities down the hallway.

Sometimes, I must admit, I look at them and wonder "what was I thinking?" If it goes well, I will be thinking, "gee what a great idea that was" and I'll do a bit of self back patting.

If it doesn't, I will be thinking, "I'm going to get mighty tired running in and out to the garage for clean socks."

Either way, the bedroom should be done today.

Just in case the furniture can't read, I better head out to the garage for a little heart to heart about the climate controlled environment they COULD be living in - should they choose to cooperate.
Update - Notice the picture. That's me. Patting myself on the back. When Bill first saw the armoires, he asked how I thought they were going in the bedroom. I told him we could pop the window out and it would go straight through the window frame. He was emphatic that was not going to be happening. So today, with a borrowed dolly, and some additional manpower, the men spent about 15 minutes wrangling the first armoire down the hallway to the last bedroom on the left where it sat - unmoving - because it would not make the turn. Then they reversed the process and took it back outside -- around the house and straight through the window. It was in the room, in place, in under two minutes from the time they accepted that I knew what I was talking about. Someday, maybe he will learn to listen to me.

Hey, I can dream, can't I?