The "Boys"
Frick and Frack, Bert and Ernie, Thing 1 and Thing 2 - no matter what you call them, Wes and Ryan are pretty much inseparable. And when one of them has an idea, he can pretty well count on the other one to be right there cheering him on or helping out.
Case in point -- I called Papaw today and Nana answered. She was telling me that their sewers had backed up and Pappaw had spent all day working on them - but wasn't done yet. He had, however, determined the problem.
"Somebody" when they were visiting a couple of weeks ago must have found the pipe that comes straight up out of the ground outside and had some fun playing Geronimo, dropping things down in it. When questioned by me, these two "somebodies" 'fessed right up to what they had done to that pipe - dropped sticks and pinecones down it.
Yep, that's exactly what Pappaw had said he found it clogged with. So "somebody's" mom is gonna be doing a bit of plumbing help tomorrow.
Yippee.I wonder how large these shirts come that I bought the boys last summer. Wesley's says, "I didn't do it." Ryan's says, "It's my brother's fault."
I think I'm gonna be needing them until they are XXL size...and then some.