Thursday, December 08, 2005

Kaleb Owens needs a Christmas miracle

Kaleb Owens was a cute, normal blonde headed 8 year old boy who fell off of a haywagon on October 15th at his church hayride. The wagon ran over his head, crushing it. Kaleb has been in a coma since that day and on Thanksgiving, the neurologist told his parents, it was unlikely he would every wake up. HOWEVER, Kaleb is showing signs of life. His eyes, which have been fixed and dilated for weeks are reacting to light. His right side is moving. The doctors are starting some new medicine that they hope will bring Kaleb out of the coma.

I can' t imagine what Kaleb's mom is going through. I am blessed with six children. One of those six children is a cute, normal, blonde headed 8 year old boy. We were at our church hayride on October 15th. The haywagon was crowded. Jacob was sitting too close to the edge of the wagon for my comfort. I just took him off the haywagon and kept him with me around the fire. He was not happy about it, but I didn't care. I could imagine something happening to Jacob like what did happen to Kaleb.

To read about Kaleb and the journal his mother keeps - visit and then type Kalebowens in the site name box. If you visit - leave them an encouraging note in their guestbook.

The Owens have a faith in God as the mighty physician. And I do too. So please - take a minute right now and pray for Kaleb Owens. And take a moment tomorrow to pray for Kaleb - and the next day too. Pray that it will be God's will that the Owens get the Christmas miracle that they so desperately want.