Monday, February 06, 2006

No Nonsense?

What's up with that? I opened a package of my new white Christmas socks this morning and pulled on a pair and when I looked down, this was the message I was greeted with. No nonsense? Was the person who gave me these socks trying to send me a message?

Everyone had a good weekend. We just did a bit of work Saturday morning and then lazed around the house. Jacob was reading a book about a kid who ran for class president and decided we should have our own class president here at the ol' Comfy Couch Academy. Nobody was interested in running against him. I suppose they are used to him bossing them around. However, there were campaign posters all over the house, voting cards were made - and convenient ones too, since he had already filled his name in on the ballot line. Speeches were listened to and the final tally showed Jacob was class president by a landslide. I think it was the promise of movie night and popcorn that wooed his constituents. Carly was assigned the task of hall monitor and she took her job to heart. You didn't hardly make a move without her making sure you had permission from someone. Once, I was caught without a bathroom pass and had to go see the principal. Luckily, I am the principal so I was able to make her see the light and was allowed to go on to the bathroom.

We went to church Sunday and then didn't do a thing afterwards. The kids played, and everything was peaceful. We did watch the Superbowl and some friends called to see if we wanted to go over to the new theater room to watch it. I took a survey - Andi was laying on one couch, Big Jacob on another, Bill and I were in recliners........still - we might have gone, but both Bill and Big Guy had to work last night and actually left before it was over, so we didn't' get up and go. After the game, Andi and I watched Grey's Anatomy - one of our favorites - and of course it was a two parter. So, I know what I will hopefully be doing next Sunday night anyway.