Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Back to School

We started back to school today and it was good to get back into our routine. The kids were all ready and so was I. Too much vacation is not good for us. After school and another trip to Lowes, I put the shelves in the linen cabinet. It's coming along nicely. Thinking I might just make the vanity too.

The kids are loving the Leapster they got for Christmas. Including the gifts given to them by relatives, they now have 10 games and 3 Leapsters. Not sure why but the pink Leapster screen isn't nearly as large as the blue game, so if you are buying one - go for the blue. This video "game" makes us all happy. They think they are playing a video game (and they are) - but in order to accomplish anything to get scores, you have to do something educational. Either fill in the missing letter on a word, solve a math problem, etc. It's great!