Tuesday, January 24, 2006

If only I could transplant the spelling gene

Every week that we have school, we have spelling. Spelling is nothing short of pure torture for Jacob - although he has gotten considerably better in the past 6 months. Carly can learn to spell with very minimal studying and Wesley is a spelling freak of sorts. He doesn't ever study his words. On Monday morning he brings me his book. I open it and give him his test and he scores a 100 about 95% of the time. Occasionally, he misses one word. His words this week included amount, afraid, asleep, marble, cornstalk and delight. He never even opened his book. After I get over my weekly amazement, I give him the book, he does the two pages of exercises that go along with the words and his spelling in done for the week.

Wes is a tiny guy - he just came through with a milk jug ring around his wrist as a bracelet and it more than wrapped around his wrist. Maybe that is why this is so strange. He's just this tiny little kid, squirming around the floor, practicing sit-ups, while he spouts off these spelling words without any hesitation whatsoever.