Sunday, December 18, 2005

The Weekend Report

We have had a very nice weekend around here - which ended tonight in sorrow. After church today, we went to lunch with friends, then took gifts to the local nursing home and caroled with a group from church. I took the kids shopping for a bit this afternoon and then to a birthday party at Chuck E. Cheese. We drove around and looked at Christmas lights this evening after the party. The boys are now sleeping in the living room floor with the Christmas tree as their nightlight.

Everyone came home in a very happy mood, but when I checked my email, I was heartbroken to see an email from Jamie about our long time friend, Naomi. Naomi gave birth in March to a full term stillborn daughter. She was 21 weeks pregnant when her water broke last month. She has been in a maternity hospital for a month - 8 hours away from her family doing everything humanly possible trying to save the life of this precious, hoped for child. Sadly, the baby did not survive and now Naomi leaves the hospital with empty arms again. Please keep Jason, Naomi and their family in your prayers.