Monday, December 19, 2005

Update on Kaleb Owens

From his mother's Caring Bridge site:

MONDAY, DECEMBER 19, 2005 11:32 AM, CST
Well, it is only 11:30 and Kaleb has already done so much. He got to be on his belly for a little bit and he seemed to be okay with it. He also had speech therapy come in and work with him for a ilttle bit. He reacted well to the cold probe they put in his mouth. He cryed when they did this. But that's okay any response is better than no response.
Just a few days ago i had mentioned that i thought Kaleb's medicine was beginning to work. Well I truly believe that this is true. I noticed that his eyelids were open even wider today! He is slowly progressing. We asked him to try to open his eyelids and when this was asked, he blinked them and then cracked them open. Isn't this GREAT news?
Christmas is just six days away and i can see that God is working on all of our miracles. It has only been three days since we noticed that he had little slits of opens in his eyelids and today they are even bigger. I know God is listening. Continue to pray for our "Little Missionary". God is working his miracles on Kaleb!

I'm joining his mom in requesting that you KEEP PRAYING. If you read her journal, you will see progress is being made. Kaleb is reacting to things around him and appears he might be coming out of the coma he has been in since October 15th.