Thursday, December 22, 2005

A Sweet Treat in the mail

Monday's mail brought a package from Texas from my friend, Angie & her daughters, Hannah and Reagan. You may recall that Jacob has his mind set on marrying Hannah someday. Time nor distance seem to be a problem for him. But, back to the package. There it was and the kids couldn't open it because Wesley was spending the night with Aunt Kathy and Uncle Dave so they had to wait till he got home Tuesday to open it. Once it was opened, then the real torture began. It was a gingerbread house. A Willy Wonka gingerbread house to be exact. I have never seen one of those around here. Andi had already told them that she was going to buy them a gingerbread house to do with them, so they felt like they had to wait for her to do it with them. She was busy Tuesday night after work, so they had to wait another day. They put it together last night after church. The sides had to be put on -- then you wait a half hour. The roof had to be put on - then you wait for an hour. Which would have been way past bedtime, so decorating had to wait...... another day. But today was the day. Bill came home from work and made breakfast for everyone. He made pancakes and sausage while I read the newspaper. Now, lest you think this is normal - it's not. I usually fix breakfast, but he is more hyper about Christmas than the kids are and wasn't ready to go to bed. We had smilie face pancakes that covered the plates with sausage links for eyebrows. After we got breakfast done with, the decorating began. Four kids with very different ideas of how a house should look makes for one "interesting" house. The directions say the house will stay fresh for two weeks. I think they will have to rely another family to test this theory. It was all I could do to make them wait for the picture to be taken before the picking began.