Monday, November 14, 2005

Trying to climb out of depressing blog mode but

every time I turn around it seems as if I am being smacked up the side of the head by something else.

My friend, Amy, has had a family crisis this week as her brother practically amputated his hand in an industrial accident. After being life--flighted and a long surgery, his hand was reattached. Brett faces a long recovery to try and regain the use of his hand. Please keep him in your prayers.

Also, in this post back in July, I asked for prayer for the dad of one of Andi & Big Jacob's best friends, who had just been diagnosed with a brain tumor. Mr. Bender died last night. He leaves behind 2 children in college and a son who is less than a year old.

We are having severe weather tonight. It was really hard to get Wesley to sleep. Tornado watches have been issued and naturally people are very skittish. I'm praying tonight for God's peace for our town.