Saturday, July 16, 2005

Cake anyone?

Cake Baking 101

Rule #1 - Do not bake while distracted.

Rule #2 There are no other rules.

I was baking a cake today - for a church dinner no less - and Andi and Big Guy were talking to me. Now, normally, pineapple upside down cake is my specialty cake. It is made with pineapple juice and is so delicious. Today, however, I was not paying the least bit of attention. First, I used water instead of juice - so I was already doomed. Then, since I wasn't paying attention, I put it in the wrong oven. My stove has 2 ovens and obviously I put it in the small one, since it looked like this in 12 minutes.

But the reason for the distraction was far worse than any cake disaster. The dad of one of their best friends has just been diagnosed with a very rare brain tumor. This man also is a brand new dad. They were telling me about this and their friend and my mind was just not on the task at hand.

Please keep Mr. Bender in your prayers. He is going to need them.