Saturday, November 19, 2005

A sweet surprise

We have had a busy day around here. The kids and I were at church this morning at 6:30. We were having a work day that started at 7, so we got there early to make breakfast for the workers. Sausage and biscuits and gravy. Then we worked around there till a little after lunch - cleaning, painting and putting finishing touches on the new fellowship hall. Bill came after he got home from working all night. Everyone got a lot accomplished.

After that, the kids and I went to the grocery because we are having our family Thanksgiving dinner tomorrow and I hadn't bought a thing for it except the turkey. Zac and his girlfriend, Andie came over to watch Madagascar and Herbie: Fully Loaded with us tonight. They will be spending the night and Zac will be cooking a 20 pound turkey in the smoker overnight. He grilled out this afternoon while I watched Duke cruise to another easy victory. A lovely way to spend the afternoon.

Tomorrow after church, Daddy and Nana are going to be here too. Nana is bringing her yummiest desserts that we always request - banana pudding (Zac Andie's choice), coconut creme pie, (Big Guy's) pecan pie (Bill's) and oatmeal raisin cookies (mine & Andi's) and lastly, chocolate chip cookies for the kids She will be making home-made rolls after she gets here. And teaching Andi how to make candied yams. I think Nana has had quite the busy day too.

Now we are blessed with Andie at our family dinners now too! Andie's family owns a bakery and she arrived today with a humongous tray of assorted cookies. Oatmeal raisin, snickerdoodles, peanut butter, chocolate chip (dipped in white and dark chocolate), jam thumbprints, no bakes....I don't know what all. They are delicious! I feel like I went to a cookie exchange and didn't have to take a thing. There are (were) also some pretzel rods that were dipped in caramel, rolled in Macadamia nuts, dipped in white chocolate and then drizzled with milk chocolate. They were absolutely scrumptious. When Zac and Andie went to pick up the movies, they also went to the store for the ingredients so we can try to duplicate those tomorrow afternoon when Andi and Big Guy are here to help out.
Should make for some interesting pictures if nothing else!

And then she also brought these........

What a fun surprise for the kids. I told them I wanted a picture and in the time it took me to get my camera, Carly had bit the top of her star off. That is why she is holding her finger over what was the point.

It's been a great day - fun and productive, but now the kids and the movies await.