Monday, November 28, 2005

Here's looking at you, Bambi

Yep, if you are looking at the picture, it's looking back at you. That bowl of deer eyeballs, courtsey of our local taxidermist, is tomorrow's school project. Dissecting the eyeballs to examine all the parts. Anybody want to join us? I actually heard Jacob praying to be sick in the morning when I came out with the bloody baggie of eyeballs. We may all be sick by the time we are done. So far, I am the only one to touch them and they are just plain yucky feeling.

Today, each of the kids had to walk around blindfolded for at least 45 minutes. None of them liked it. They were totally sightless. Jacob and Carly's time was while I was fixing lunch. They actually did OK helping me. I made them get the dishes, the sandwich makings, the milk, cups, etc. Everything. It all went pretty good, except that Carly set the bag of chips down on the peanut butter sandwich before it was closed up. Brushing their teeth after lunch was a total mess. When they had to change clothes to go to the grocery, Jacob's immediate response was "how do I know what I am putting on?" After viewing his choice, I went and picked out his clothes. Wesley found out that his vision is very helpful in keeping his balance. He was trying to "kung fu" Carly and kept falling. Not on purpose, either. Ryan was pitiful. He was just practically blubbering on the floor by the end. He just wanted to sit and not move till his time was up. Several chairs were overturned, a few new bruises were added to the crew, but I think they all have a new appreciation for their eyesight. Tomorrow, in addition to dissection day, they will be walking around in an old pair of Ryan's glasses - but with vasaline smeared on the lenses -- to simulate what a person with poor vision or cataracts has to live with.