Saturday, August 20, 2005

My List of things you will never hear me say

Playing along now -

  1. I'm thinking of putting the kids in school so I can go back to work.
  2. Yes, you CAN get to heaven just because you are a good person.
  3. All of our socks are white on the bottom. I bleach them daily.
  4. Here, honey, let me iron that for you.
  5. No, I really don't feel like eating out tonight.
  6. Hillary for President.
  7. Sure, let's go get a bikini wax.
  8. Do I look fat in this?
  9. I think we should get rid of the computer.
  10. Oh, if only it was a Steven Sagal double feature.
  11. Yes, I made that needlepoint.
  12. Yes, this is my natural hair color.
  13. I think we should sell the house and move to Florida.
  14. Why, no, it's not humid enough for me.
  15. Yes, I know you are only 8, but since you know what the pedals do, you drive.