Tuesday, August 30, 2005

I love my trash men...and they love me right back

Today is our day to deal with the effects of Hurricane Katrina. The winds are gusty and at times the rain is practically falling sideways. And it's trash day. Our curb looks like a commercial for Sanford and Son. Out on our sidewalk are our regular trash cans along with a trash can full of yard waste. Which the trash guys are not required to pick up except on twice yearly designated days. And today is not the day. Also out there is that huge honking heavy metal desk that Big Guy cut into 2 pieces and we drug out there. Along with 5 drawers that go with it. They are not required to pick that up. That is certainly a "heave it into the back of your truck, haul it to the dump on your day off, wait in line to dump it and pay the landfill fees when you dump it yourself" sort of item. For most people.

But when the trash guys showed up this morning, I was waiting in the rain, under my handy umbrella, with half a dozen hot buttered blueberry muffins to go. I do this for them about once a month - muffins or cookies. Maybe I'm the only one who does this for them - maybe not. But the yard waste is gone. And the desk is gone. Their day is better. My day is better. They're happy and feel appreciated. I'm happy and appreciative.

It's amazing what a box of Jiffy muffin mix can accomplish. Try it sometime. Surprise somebody who just needs a little pick me up. It'll make your day.