Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Do people change a lot from high school? I wonder.

Why do I wonder? Because when I opened the paper this morning, I noticed that in the town where I grew up a certain man had died. His survivor list was short. His daughter basically. I remember reading about 6 months ago that his wife had died.

I graduated with his daughter and she was a hateful, spiteful, mean spirited girl from the day I met her in first grade. She was always trying to make other people feel inadequate and worthless. She thought herself above everyone else. She made fun of people - their families, the way they dressed, the cars they drove, everything. I don't think in all my life I have met another person who was as mean as she was. She was just plain horrid. And I didn't like her. Not many people did. Now her parents are both dead and I can't imagine she has changed her ways so much that she has a lot of friends to help her through this time.

And that's sad - but we reap what we sow. Words of wisdom - no charge.