Friday, August 26, 2005

Dishpan Hands

Want to know a truly boring yet strangely satisfying way to spend a Friday? Wash your dishes. All of them. Every blasted one of them. That's how I spent my day. I washed service for 16 with salad plates, dessert plates, serving dishes, glassware, plastic cups and silverware. I had noticed that my dishes felt - sorta at a loss to describe how dishes feel dirty but don't look dirty but that's how it was. Anyway, the plastic glasses were stained from tea and the glassware was cloudy looking. We aren't talking about fancy smancy dishes. Corell Ware. I love Corell - it doesn't take up much room for a lot of pieces. I have soaked all the dishes in bleach and vinegar today (2 gallons of each) and washed them all by hand. I even ran vinegar through the dishwasher to get the hard water stains and lime deposit out of it. The dishes look brand new - my hands look very old and extremely dried out. I suppose hours in bleach water would have that effect.

I also did manage to get the playroom finished. Big Guy came over and cut the huge desk into two pieces in order to make it easier to get it out of the room. That was a fantastic idea (so glad I thought of it).

Now I am off to wrap some more Christmas gifts.