Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Camping and Bike Wrecks and ERs - oh my.....

Well, after Teresa left from our very enjoyable visit, I took the kids and off we went to camp for a few days. We had only been there a short while Carly and Ryan come running to tell me Wes wiped out on his bike. Jacob is coming along with Wes bleeding all over his shirt as Jacob supported him. A kind man was carrying his bike, telling me Wes wouldn't let anyone near him but Jacob. Of course, it would have to be the kid who screams bloody murder at the drop of a hat - if it happens to hit his toe. After about an hour of trying to get the blood to stop over his eye, he is still screaming and I happen to notice that he has also knocked out a tooth and split his gum. And his nose is totally swollen shut. So I decide to take him to the ER - where they tried for an hour or so to get it to stop bleeding and then finally super glued the cut shut -- with the help of the doctor, 2 nurses and myself holding Wes. The doctor told me right before he did it, "now Perri, if this gets in his eyelashes, don't worry, his eyes will just be glued shut for about 3 days. Wes about came off the table as he screamed, "I want to SEEEEEE" in his best Scarlet O'Hara voice. They also scrubbed his arms and hands to get the gravel out and he was certainly not happy about any of that. But he survived - and is feeling much better today.

Day 2 - Ryan is riding his bike to the lake and goes too fast over a speed bump. I am following him in the car, and can only watch helplessly as he wobbles side to side before he finally hits the pavement - face first. I slammed on the brakes, jumped out - and with great fear ran to Ryan. I turned him over and he already had 3 large goose eggs coming up on his head. I threw him in the car, raced back to the camper and grabbed an ice pack. God was gracious and the bumps started going down fairly quickly. I was able to get him calmed down, and besides for some bruises on his neck, head, shoulder and legs, he is fine.

Day 2.5 - Bill was going to have a little cyst cut out of his head. But when the dr. started cutting it out, he was muttering little things like this:
"This is not a cyst. I don't know for sure what this is. This is very deep. We should have done this at the hospital. We will send this off - I'm pretty sure it's benign." And then as he was trying to get the bleeding to stop because they had to cut so deep - "I can't close this." These are not exactly the confidence building things you want your surgeon muttering while your husband is laying there with the back of his head split open. So we wait. Next week we will find out what it was and if it was indeed benign. I must say - this has been a memorable camping trip. Back to the campground with us now. I just came home to change Bill's bandage.

Hope you are all having a good week.