Saturday, July 09, 2005

Playing catch up

Been busy the last couple of days. Took the kids and went to visit my mom yesterday morning. She was working on a 1000 piece puzzle and had about 850 pieces of it finished. She and my aunt had been working on it on and off for a week. I told her we would finish it yesterday. And we did -- at 11:54 pm. Whoever made this puzzle should have had to work it themselves. What is up with an 8 inch area of TOTAL white? Pieces that are all practically identical? It was one of those puzzles that you hated to do but you did it anyway - just to show it could be done. And why? Did the puzzle making people care? I don't think so. They were done caring as soon as it was bought. But we did it anyway. We did a bit of shopping in the afternoon at the little local close-out grocery where I got a lot of bargains (but no chips). Then late in the afternoon we went to on a picnic with my brother and his family. The kids all played and we sat around and just relaxed. It was quite peaceful (except when my mind would drift back to the dang puzzle.) After I got the little kids to bed my mom, Jacob and I went out to sit in the hot tub. I was trying to decide if I want one or not. Still undecided on that.

This morning my dad came by and picked up the kids and took them with him for the day. Mom and I went to yard sales and had a really good time. I found some great buys. I bought Andi some maternity clothes (no pressure) should they ever decide to make me a granny. I know - it was presumptuous of me - but they were really cute clothes and I got a huge stack for less than what one pair of the jeans would cost new. I can always find somebody who might need them in case she doesn't.

The best buy of the day was the 5 rolls of wallpaper I bought for 8 bucks. This was quite the buy - the receipt was in the sack - originally they paid 21.99 a roll. When Bill updated our electricity last year he tore part of the wallpaper in the living room where he watches TV. This has not bothered me because nobody but him hardly ever goes in there. There is barn wood on the walls, a huge brick fireplace and the vacant eyes of dead deer staring at you when you walk into the room. So I don't. It is dark in there. He also has his fish tanks in there. A 55 gallon one and a 150 gallon. Saltwater fish and all that goes along with them. So, he has his room to watch TV and I have mine. If we watch it together, he comes up to my place. Anyway, I will venture into the room to put up new wallpaper for him.

Then I went to my dad's and mowed. That took about 4 hours and when I got done, I think I had inhaled about a pound of dust. It is so dry here. The grass has quit growing, but the little weed things haven't noticed there is no water so they should die.

Daddy showed up with the kids and they piled out of the truck - trying to hold all the candy he had bought them. They all looked pleased with themselves. I loaded the kids up in the van and when I got home, my sweet husband unloaded the car, got everything put away, showered the boys and went to the grocery. He had even washed all his uniforms and they were in the dryer when I got home. All I had to do this evening was get cleaned up, give Carly a shower and hang out. Bill brought the kids some dinner and we ordered a pizza. I have mentioned being spoiled, right?

I have stuff to do tomorrow though. We have some friends coming over for lunch after church - along with Andi and Big Guy and Zac and Andie. So I have a big lunch to prepare. I will get up early in the morning to peel 10 pounds of potatoes for mashed potatoes. Bill put 9 pounds of roast in the crock pot for me this morning, so that part is done. The rest is easy. Well, off to catch up with everyone else.