Saturday, July 23, 2005

Pain & Fun - all in one long post

Well, the other day at the aforementioned Mary Kay glamour party, I couldn't help but notice when I was forced to sit and look in a image enlarging (as if I needed that) mirror that my eyebrows looked remarkably like Peter Gallaghers'. I have always had thick eyebrows - one reason I wear glasses and not mess with contacts. A few months ago I actually went to the nail salon with Vicki A. to get them waxed. Neither of us had ever done it before so we agreed to do it together. She went first. And I chickened out. I had watched her get a tattoo back in January - it was on her list of things to do before she hit 40 and she was already way behind - and the face she made when they pulled that strip off her eyebrow was far worse than when they were permanently scarring her skin with ink. I don't think I've ever mentioned it, but maybe you can figure out what I think of tattoos. So I bribed her with a dessert from her favorite restaurant if she didn't make me do my eyebrows. The disappointment was there - but the pull of the cheesecake was stronger, so she paid her money and off we still happily bushy and her muttering under her breath. I didn't care.

Till the party. Forced with the reality of the situation we bravely - ok, she bravely, me, being pulled along by my purse straps, ventured into the same torture chamber I had happily fled a few months earlier. We were going to get a pedicure and then my brows done. Do you know they wanted me to pay them $35.00 to fool around with my feet? I don't think so. So we are down to just getting the brows done. Everyone that works there is Asian - fine by me, I just want to make sure they know that I want the majority of my eyebrows left right where they are. So imagine if you will the conversation while I tried to get her to understand me. I don't know how to type an Asian accent but as I laid down, I was praying that our ancestory differences did not make me come out looking like a freak.

Vicki stood at the end of the couch - claiming she was being supportive, but laughing like an idiot. That did not help. Even as I type this today, my fingers are sore from being clasped together so tightly. She said she had never seen anyone levitate before, but I appeared to be about 6 inches off that bed when she ripped that first patch of skin off my head. I made it through the whole thing and when she was getting ready to put the aloe on what was left of my bushy brows, she said, "no more hurt now, hurt be done one minute."

She was a liar.

My eyebrows hurt like H*E*double toothpicks for about 20 minutes. (See how I keep my blog family friendly?) I could feel my skin tightening and when I looked in the mirror in the van, it looked as if someone had held a blow torch to my head - it was so red. I popped some aspirin into my mouth, gave my cohort a nasty look, told her I wanted my dessert paid back and we left to the sounds of her cackling. I'm going to have to re-evaluate this whole friend thing with her. I think it wasn't till I reminded her that I stood by her PRAYING that it wouldn't hurt her while they permanently scarred her skin that she felt any remorse.

So anyway, after that we went to Michaels to look at craft stuff. All I could look at was what was on the lower shelves, as I certainly wasn't raising my head in public looking like I did. Not too much of interest on the bottom shelf in case you are wondering and you have to be careful not to run into people's carts. I did buy some letter stencils and stencil brushes. I am going to try my hand at making some signs for people as gifts for Christmas for their houses (or garage sales or to throw in the trash if they want) I found some really cute ones in a magazine called Country Home, but their prices are crazy. 50 bucks for a sign? Give me a break. It's a piece of wood for crying out loud. So I will try this myself.

After Vicki got on the floor and looked up at me to assure me I could raise my head without scaring children, we left and went to a new Chinese buffet. After we had our fill there, we drove to her house where we floated in the pool for 3 hours. Total relaxation - floating without children. It was absolutely wonderful. Once we were looking like raisins - we went in and got cleaned up. Vicki painted my toe nails (no massaging, but what a savings) and I helped her make her own blog. Then we headed off to Evansville. We grabbed a sandwich at G.D. Ritzy's and ice cream - Chunky Dory Fudge for me, Cherry amaretto for her. We were headed down the street to help another church with their Bible School for inner city kids. These kids were mostly minority from poverty level homes and they were precious. We left, happy but wondering what would possess a mother to name their child Questiny.

Finally to end our day, we went back to her house and played Rummicubes - where I got beat 2 out of 3 games. I guess her guilt over laughing at my pain is gone - because when I left her, she was laughing gleefully again.

Bill had the kids ALL DAY and they had a wonderful day going to see Robots, eating pizza and hanging out together.