Sunday, July 24, 2005

I've Been Tagged by Keer

Keer, over at Keer Unplugged seems to be of the opinion I have LOTS of time to spend answering this multitude of questions today. And she's probably right. As it happens, today is the least busy day of the week. So here goes.
What Were You Doing 10 Years Ago Today?
Bill and I had just been married about 14 months and we were living with Andi and Zac in our dream home. The house we would retire in. The house that I was working 40 hours a week in order to have it paid for in 7 years. It was a cedar sided solar home on a huge lake with all kinds of wonderful things inside, spiral staircases, a 2 story stone fireplace, slate floors, balconies off the bedrooms overlooking the living room, a wrap around balcony off the second story over looking the lake, a dock right out the back door where we could fish, swim or take the boat out. We all loved that house. Now 9 years ago TODAY, I got pregnant and that all changed. Our house was a great house for teens and adults - but certainly not babies. I was not comfortable with the idea of living 12 feet from a lake that a toddler could be in before I noticed he/she was even missing. So, we put it on the market, sold it the first day to the first person and moved to town, to a regular old 4 bedroom brick ranch. And have never regretted it for a second.
What Were You Doing 1 year Ago Today? Camping in my new camper that my husband had bought me for our 10 year anniversary.
What Were You Doing Yesterday I washed all the linens in the camper, because I am taking it to our youth church camp next weekend, so that I and some of the other kitchen helpers can sleep in the A/C, rather than bunk beds in un-airconditioned dorms. Made meat loaf for lunch. Went to the grocery, the movie store and watched Willie Wonka with the kids. Took them to an activity at church last night and then came home, put them to bed and watched a movie on the Hallmark channel.

What Are You Doing Today?
Going to church, taking the kids to a swim party and watching a movie with Andi this afternoon. Bill and Jacob both have to go to work this evening, so they will be napping. The kids and I are also making snow cones today. I will probably start a new Science curriculum with the kids tomorrow, so I will be reviewing it again. It's called Considering God's creation.
What Are You Doing Tomorrow?
Taking Jacob for his first of what I am sure will be many orthodontic appointments. Then we will have school and that is about it for the day.
5 Snacks I Enjoy? Peanut butter fudge, milk duds, Heath bars, chips and salsa, brown sugar cinnamon toast
5 Bands/Singers I know the Lyrics to most of their Songs Totally blank on this one
Things I Would Do with $1,000,000,000 Tithe, pay off our house, set up college and trust funds for the kids, ensure our retirement, give the rest as I was led by God.
5 Locations You Would Run Away To only one - My childhood. I would like to visit Alaska.
5 Bad Habits You Have eating too much, sitting up too late, ordering pizzas, too many purses, drive through restaurants
5 Things You Like - see answers above and spending time with funny people
5 Things You would never wear in public a bikini, a shirt that said I Heart Bill Clinton, anything that said Vote for Hillary, short shorts, thong underwear (or anywhere else for that matter - not just public)
5 Movies You Like Anne of Green Gables, Remember the Titans, The Replacements, While you were sleeping, Corina, Corina
5 Famous People You'd Like to Meet - None come to mind
5 Biggest Joys - spending time with my family, going to church and church functions, watching a child of mine "get it" when I am trying to teach them something, snuggling with the kids, tucking in routines - oh and getting my brows waxed.
And I am going to tag... Vicki

and Sara
Have fun girls (she said ducking)