Tuesday, July 12, 2005

An example of a wonderful thank you note

I received this thank you note yesterday.

Momma, Thank you so much for all the many hours of hard work you put in on our house. It takes a pretty selfless and extraordinary woman to come out every day and paint/build/saw/cook/clean/shop for someone else's new house with 4 kids in tow. Without your help we never could have been done in time and I hope you realize how thankful we are to have you in our lives. You are most definitely welcome in our home, anytime, whether we are there or not! We love you so much! Thanks again. Love,
Andi and Jacob

Now THIS is a great example of a thank you note sent in a timely fashion. Plus I didn't have to address my own envelope either. Normally, Jacob (the brilliant son-in-law) will add something at the end about how good I look for being 25, and although that was missing, I will still keep this note in my treasure box.