Thursday, June 09, 2005

Swimming & veggies

The kids and I spent the afternoon at my friend, Vicki's - swimming. Vicki goes to church with me. She loves my children and they love her so we always have fun with her. This was the first time I wore my new swimsuit. You might remember I posted a picture of it previously. You can see that here. So we went for lunch and then we were going to swim. I give the kids the usual "use your good manners" speech with a healthy dose of "no matter what she serves for lunch, you say thank you and EAT it." Now I knew we were having macaroni and cheese and grilled hot dogs - a kid favorite. But I gave the speech just as a matter of routine. Then comes the interesting part.

Ryan: What if she serves us broccoli?
Me: Then you say thank you and eat it.
Carly: But what if she serves us brussell sprouts?
Me: Then you say thank you and eat it.
Wes: But what if she made something awful like cauliflower?
Me: Then you say thank you and eat it.
Ryan: But WHAT if she made broccoli? (obviously his worse fear)
Me: Then you say thank you and eat it.
Jacob: You are just trying to gross us out, Mom.
Me: No, I'm not. Vicki likes that kind of food. She loves all kinds of vegetables.
Jacob: That's just sick.
Me: No, you'd be surprised at the number of people who actually eat that way.
Jacob: Well, they don't know any better.
Me: No, I guess not.