Tuesday, May 24, 2005

My anniversary date

was tonight. Our anniversary is not till Friday but my friend (a REALLY good friend) wanted - yes, I said wanted - to have all 4 of my kiddos spend the night with hers tonight to celebrate the last day of school (theirs not ours). So Bill and I dropped them off and after dancing our way back to the car with a little ballet move thrown in for good measure we headed off to Red Lobster. There I managed to down the 30 shrimp dinner (hey, they were little) and then we went to buy my anniversary gift. Now I know what you must be thinking............diamonds, rubies, emeralds, but alas, you would be wrong. I asked for and got -- a new tool bag. A Craftsman one no less. I'm such a cheap date. It will be so handy. Today I was working at church putting closets in shelves and I was just wishing I had a tool bag as I was putting my drill in the Wal Mart sack and watching as the drill bit tore through the bag, making it worthless and me having to carry my tools. So I am a happy wife tonight. A happy wife that already has more diamonds than I will ever wear -and I think he has finally figured that out and respects my wants for practical things instead of frivilous ones.

Then we came home and Bill went to the movie store and came home with In Good Company. If you saw the previews, you have seen the best part. It was sweet of him since his idea of a romantic comedy (my favorites) usually involve Steven Segal or Sylvester Stallone.