Friday, April 15, 2005

I So Wanted a Picture - but for the sake of staying married........

My husband, Bill, is a snorer of epic proportions. I am talking hear him through a closed door and you are four rooms away - loud and clear. He also has apnea - quits breathing as he sleeps. I have been telling him this for 10 years. I know apnea. Zac had it quite severe after he was born and was on a heart monitor for 3 years. I know what I am talking about here. Finally - more to shut me up than anything, Bill agrees to go to the sleep clinic for a sleep study. There it is determined that he has "severe" sleep apnea. Now, I like to be right - I will admit that. But I was so sweet. I just said I was glad we had that figured out now....or some such nonsense. The point is I didn't say, "I told you so." So I was proud of myself. Anyway, Monday, Bill picked up his new machine he uses while he sleeps. It is a mask that straps around his head and he looks like he is going deep sea diving. I begged, the kids begged, but he said NO to any picture. I thought about doing it while he was asleep, but when I mentioned that under my breath, the look he shot me was enough to make me rethink that scheme. Suffice to say, it does not look comfortable - but the snoring has STOPPED. Totally. 100%. Now I know that I snore just as loud as he ever did, but hey, that doesn't bother ME!