Tuesday, March 01, 2005

The Condensed Version of "The Book Club Story"

I wanted to join a book club, but didn't want the hassle of joining a book club. So I joined a book club and on the FIRST time when I joined, I chose ALL of my books, so I didn't have to do anything else but pay for it and BE OUT. So I paid for my books, when the bill came, wrote cancel my membership on the card, membership requirements fulfilled, etc. and sent the payment --- which they promptly cashed.

Three weeks later, here comes the selection card for my next books. I wrote a note and attached it to it, that I had canceled my membership on the card, membership requirements fulfilled, etc and sent it.

Three weeks later, here comes the selection card for my next books. I wrote a note and attached it to it, that I had canceled my membership on the card, membership requirements fulfilled, etc - copied all of my previous correspondence, attached it to that and sent it.

Three weeks later, here comes the selection card for my next books. I wrote a note and attached it to it, that I had canceled my membership on the card, membership requirements fulfilled, etc copied all of my previous correspondence, attached it to that and sent it.

Three weeks later, here comes the selection card for my next books. I wrote a note and attached it to it, that I had canceled my membership on the card, membership requirements fulfilled, etc copied all of my previous correspondence, attached it to that and sent it.

You get the picture. In between these times, I was calling long distance and getting the run around about how it would take some time to process my request, but in the meantime to just keep sending the cards back. I didn't want to mess with this - that's why I had done it like I did in the first place.

Finally I have had enough and with the next card, I send them a very nice note that I will NOT send any more correspondence regarding this matter. If they wish to send me a book without me returning anything else, I will consider it a gift.

Of course -- 3 weeks later here comes the next card. The selection of the month if you chose to not return your card was a 45 dollar coffee table book on Chinese art. My favorite subject -- right. So I do nothing and along comes the book and a bill.

I returned the bill with a thank you note for the lovely book and with a copy of ALL of my previous correspondence including where I told them I would NOT pay for anything they sent when my membership had been cancelled some months before.

I get a form letter with a prepaid return label to return the book. I sent them another letter explaining I would NOT be paying for anything the book that they had so kindly given to me when my membership had been cancelled some months before.

I get an identical form letter with a prepaid return label to return the book. Alas, here my objective has been met and the plot thickens.

I take a VERY strong VERY big sturdy box, fill it with concrete from a sidewalk that was being torn up around my apartment, plop the book on top with a letter that if they send me anything else - the next label they have provided will be used on a refrigerator box of rocks -- tape it on all sides extremely securely -- take it to the PO. hoist it (with help) onto the counter and watch as the man weighs this box. The box costs 36 dollars and something to return their 45 dollar book - and they paid the postage.

I didn't hear anything else from them. In fact, I haven't ever received an offer to join any other book club.