Tuesday, March 01, 2005

And the award for the mother who is so glad she didn't say........

my child would NEVER do that -- goes to ME. Remember yesterday when I told you about my pastor's son peeing in the grass? Well today the kids and I started off the day with a picnic in the bed of the truck at Lowes after a stop at Krispy Kreme. Then we proceed to the bathroom in Lowe's to de-glaze them all. About 30 minutes later, as I was loading plywood onto my cart I hear a resounding chorus of three voices yelling RRRRYYYYAAAANNNN!!!!!!!! I turn just in time to see Ryan jerking up his shorts and underwear. Seems he had a mosquito bite that needed urgent scratching. Once Derrick, the Lowe's worker got himself under control he was able to offer this piece of friendly advice man to man "just scratch your butt through your clothes, kid." Thanks Derrick. I don't know that I have actually ever said that to the kids.

Posted May 23, 2005