Vacay at Mamawland - Day 2
After picking Benjamin up, we headed to Target for a bit of shopping. Sophie and Keegan have wanted their pictures made on the red ball in front of Target every time we go there for as long as I can remember. Today was no exception. As was the popcorn combo we get every time we go. Some things you just don't mess with. Target popcorn is one of those things.

Did some shopping this morning, then had some chicken nuggets on the way to the Fur Takers Rendezvous at the 4H Center. Once there, Sophie and Keegan got a free T shirt from their buddy, Mark.
They played on the playground for a bit after which we examined all manner of skulls from meerkat to bobcats. We saw raccoon teeth, beaver teeth and assorted other animal bones and skins.
Keegan petted a wolf skin --- sorta. You would have thought it was going to attack him.
Once we got home, Wes took them to the splash park to cool down and then after their showers, Sophie helped me make twice baked potatoes for dinner. Finished off the evening with some movies and kettle corn we bought earlier in the day.