Friday, April 27, 2012

Today marks a year

since Andi first got sick.  A year, numerous MRIs, CTs, EEGs, Spinal Taps, psychological testing, doctors, hospitals, more doctors, many different medicines and it all boils down to........

Nobody is sure what is wrong with her.  Although something most certainly is.  She's had a different diagnosis from several different neurologists. A lot of things have been ruled out, but the bottom line remains ~~ She is sick and nobody knows why.

Why, after a year does she still have vertigo so bad some days that she can do nothing but carry a puke bucket as she makes her way to the bathroom when she has to get up from a laying down position?

Why does her head still hurt so bad that she might be flat on her back for 3-4 days at a time, unable to do anything?

Why is her speech still slurry or stuttered some days and perfectly fine on others?

Why does her short term memory seem to be pretty much a thing of the past?

Why can she go from having a great time to so sick she has to go home in 10 minutes flat?

So many whys - with no answers.  So she will keep on trying new medicines and we keep praying for some relief for her.  Praying for her to be able to have a normal life again ~~ and praising God through this storm that He has a plan for her.