Saturday, December 03, 2011

Benjamin - almost 11 months old

and much too busy to do something mundane like look at the camera for a picture. He's off, crawling and exploring. Testing his boundaries and finding out just how many ornaments he can pluck from the tree in 30 seconds. Christmas trees and toddlers are always an interesting combination. All of the "good" ornaments are way up out of their reach, put on branches that are then twisted into a bow practically to make sure they stay put.

As always, our half tree is bungeed to the wall. Gotta say, every year we have only half a tree, I'm even more impressed with it. It looks great and only takes up half the floor space it would otherwise.

Zac has Benjamin every weekend while Andie is at work, so they have been hanging out more at Mamawland, and Ben is getting more and more comfortable with me. Yesterday, he even laid his head on me when he was sleepy. Might not mean much to most people, but that's a major breakthrough around here. He has always just wanted his mom or dad to hold him.

I know the day is coming when he loves Mamawland as much as Soph and Keegan do. I can't wait.