Thursday, September 29, 2011

One more surgery to go

I realize that there are people that walk around with surgical hardware in their bodies for years. I am not going to be one of those people. The plate that held my collarbone together quite nicely while it healed is bulging under my skin. You can just run your hand over it and feel the entire outline of it. It's really sorta gross, actually.

Anyway, it is sore in many situations - such as wearing a seat belt (or a certain piece of clothing that women my age should certainly wear). I can't sleep on that side, but the thing that about sends me through the roof is when Keegan sits in my lap -- which we like to do -- and he snuggles up -- which we like to do -- while we read or watch TV. Ouch. But when he lays his head on that area -- which he likes to do -- oh good grief that hurts. I'm not OK with not holding my grandkids.

I will be waiting about another month to give the bone time to heal since there will be 9 holes in the bone from the screws, but then the hardware will be coming out.