God and me
There are people from all over the world who read my blog and this is a constant source of amazement to me. Occasionally, someone will write to me and it's obvious that English is their second language, yet they get their point across. Such was the comment I received last night questioning me about how to sustain a personal relationship with God. I noticed a new follower from Argentina was added to my blog the other day, so I wonder if perhaps this is the commenter. The writer was commenting on my post about What I Believe about God.
Regardless of who it was - or where they are from, this writer didn't feel that she was getting anything just from reading the Bible (which was a book "left" there) by a group of scholars. I read that comment at about six this morning and it just hasn't left my mind all day.
So dear commenter -- how do I sustain a personal relationship with Christ? Practice. Every single day, I make sure that I talk to God. I notice and point out to the kids the wonders of the world that He created for us. I read stories to my children about the wonderful Christians who God wrote about for us to follow in their footsteps. I think about God - and all of the blessings he gives me daily -- and I am thankful. I make sure He knows it.
I try to make sure that no matter what "bad" thing may be happening in my life, I keep in focus that God is always good. He knows what is best for my life and He wants things for me that I can't even begin to imagine wanting for myself. I try to act in a way that even in the storms of life, God would not be displeased with me.
I am humbled that even when I'm so upset about something that the Holy Spirit prays on my behalf. How cool is that?
I lean on God and allow him to take care of important things for me. There are times when I am still overwhelmed with grief over my dad's death, yet I know that God is taking care of daddy and we will be together again. I trust God. I tend to not worry about the "what ifs" of life, because no matter what, again - God is right there, in control and waiting on me to just ask Him for help. For guidance.
God is my security blanket in a world gone crazy. He is my source of comfort when all seems hopeless. He loves me when I'm my most unlovable.
But what can you do in your situation? I'm going to go with PRAY. Pray to God. Pray, asking Him to draw you closer - and He will. He will be thrilled that you want to know Him better. And I want to help you in your desire.
I don't know where you are - nor do I know what language you can read - but if you can read English, I would love to send you a more simple version of the Bible to read - assuming you are reading something like the King James Version, which is difficult for me to understand, too.
If you don't read English, let me know what language you do read and I promise to do my best to get a simplified Bible to you in your language. If you would like additional resource books, please let me know and I will get those to you as well.
Whatever, you do, PLEASE DON'T DOUBT GOD! God loves you and I think that's what prompted you to write. You KNOW God loves you and you want to have more of that love. God wants that, too! Please let me help you get the material you need to grow closer.
Send me your address to huddleston@insightbb.com and let me know what I can do to help. I'm praying that you write again - and I'm praying for you to be all God wants you to be.
And if I'm wrong on every count and when I die, there is no God - then what would I have lost? I would have lived a life built on peace and hope. But if I'm right and God exists and I didn't believe, then where would I be? In the fiery pits of hell for all eternity - and that just doesn't fit into my idea of a good time.