A glimpse behind the scenes
I'm sure there are those homeschoolers who sit prim and properly at their desks in their assigned seats from 8 till 3. I'm seen homeschoolers who have a master schedule where every child's daytime hours are accounted for. I've heard there are homeschoolers who are so gifted academically that there is no room for fun in their lives. I'm betting there are homeschoolers who live to learn foreign languages, how to play the viola and how to knit scarves for the homeless out of dental floss. And then............there is us.
We learn. Truly - they are all where they need to be or above. But we also play and we laugh. And lately, I've taken to having the kids read to us as opposed to me doing all the reading. These videos were taken today while Jacob was reading about the humorous bone.
First there is the auctioneer reader:
Next there is the Chuck Norris reader:
We also have the excited reader:
Lastly, there is the bored teacher voice.
Welcome to my world.