He said if I didn't use his name
I could blog what he did yesterday in Hobby Lobby in an effort to embarrass me. That was his whole goal -- not out of meanness, but just having fun. He wanted to see just what it would take to embarrass me. But just so you know, it wasn't my oldest son, nor my youngest son, nor my son named Wes who was conducting this public test.
It was the other one who was doing impromptu leaps and twirls like a spastic ballerina. It was him who was rubbing his belly in a circular motion while chanting, "Nonny, nonny, nonny." in a sing-song voice. It was this kid who was pretending to rip off his shirt and do what he calls a cowboy dance while swinging his shirt in the air like a lasso. And I just laughed at his pathetic attempts as I continued shopping. He was amusing, but nobody really got to enjoy his little show but me.
And it was this kid who about died of embarrassment when we got in the check out line and I started rubbing my belly while chanting, "Nonny, nonny, nonny." He's such an amateur.
At least I left my shirt down :)