Thursday, March 19, 2009

Turning the corner

Last night Andi and I went to the grocery to get some groceries. As we were getting out of the car, I dropped something and watched as it slid between my seat and the console. I couldn't reach it from up above, so as she is getting the groceries out of the back, I am kneeling down outside the car, leaned over the seat with my recovering arm stuck under the seat, feeling around.

It was at that moment, when I am on my knees in the gravel, with my arm twisted up under the seat that something in my shoulder popped and I screamed and started crying. Andi, in the back of the car can only see my head as she peers down the middle of the car and she thinks I screamed because I was stuck under the seat. And she is laughing like a hyena. And I am crying like a baby while she is asking if I need help. And telling me to answer quick because she has to go pee. And I can't answer, because my arm is in excruciating pain. And I am not getting up out of the gravel anytime soon. Any my car seat is getting wet.

I finally get up, make my way to the kitchen and down a double dose of pain pills -- which I sorta regret about 20 minutes because I am fighting off nausea from the pain medicine. So I give up and go to bed, gingerly laying my sore arm up on a stack of pillows and laying an ice bag over it.

I tell you all of that to tell you this. I don't know what happened to my arm last night but I wish it had happened weeks ago. This morning I woke up able to move it in ways I haven't moved it since my surgery. I practically danced my way through physical therapy today. I can twirl my arm every way imaginable.

I can cross my arms either direction. I can lift it straight up over my head. I can put it behind my head and rest on it while watching TV. These are things I haven't done since August when I first injured it.

Oh -- and I can do all of this with ZERO pain. ZERO. Not even a one on the old scale of 1 - 10. I did not even take an aspirin today. For somebody who has been on multiple pain pills every day for months -- well, let's just say today was an awesome day.