Merry Christmas Eve
Thanks for all the well wishes, I am pretty much feeling great. We've just been keeping busy baking and snooping and trying to be good.
Yesterday afternoon, Andi got a wild hair to go get a dog at the humane society that she had been wanting on-line for a bit. So we went to look at it with the full intention of getting this Shar Pei, who would be named Shane Battier. Shane was one of our favorite Duke players of all time and the back of his head always looked like a Shar Pei, so that was our nickname for him. Shar Pei Battier. Anyway, that dog was way too spastic, and so she looked at several others.
It's a very good thing I was with her or she would probably have come home with a whole truck load of dogs, including a HUGE pointer dog and some unrecognizable thing they said was a dog, but looked a lot like a Shih
Tzu mop dog mix that would have been a nightmare to groom.
Anyway, Andi finally brought home a part beagle mix for a trial run and all was well and good for about an hour..........till she started turning red -- Andi, not the dog and by an hour later she looked like a giant, puffed red marshmallow. She was obviously highly allergic to the dog. The doctor had to be called and prescriptions for steroids and antihistamines ordered. The dog spent the night here and has been returned to the shelter this morning.
Bill has decided to make a huge Christmas dinner this year so at the moment, he and Ryan are making homemade noodles. I would post a picture except Andi took my camera home last night to take pictures as they opened their gifts this morning........which I think was postponed because...
Jacob's sister, Ruth was supposed to go into the hospital Friday to be induced to deliver her first child, but as kids are apt to do, the baby changed everyone's plans and decided to come today. They are at the hospital now, waiting for the new arrival.
And that pretty much catches things up around here.