Hidden Pictures
Look closely. Do you see the same thing I see? I see items bought in stores or ordered online, placed in boxes, wrapped in decorative paper after which a name is written on the box in magic marker. Those boxes are stored, stacked neatly in a closet until such time as they are placed under the half tree.
Now look to the extreme right. Those top two boxes wrapped in decorative paper. My daughter, despite years of proper gift wrapping instruction failed miserably this year. Her boxes have some flappy name tag on them and bows, causing havoc as her boxes can't just be stacked in piles under the tree. Not only that, as I handed the kids the gifts from the closet to carry to the tree this week, I handed those to Wesley. As he walked down the hallway as if he were carrying the Covenant of the Ark, he was heard to exclaim in awe, "Look Ryan, REAL presents."