Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Keegan's first night at Mamaw's?- nope

If it were up to Keegan and Sophie, I would have slept all night. However, as it turned out, it wasn't up to them apparently.

Sosie went to her toddler bed about 9. I had put in my bedroom and laid hwe down with her favorite monkey, Bobo. Wes had contributed his Nascar pillow and Ryan had given her his favorite comfy blanket, so how could you not sleep when you're surrounded by so much love. She slept for the first time in her toddler bed and she slept the night through. As I type this at 9:45 am, she's still snoring soundly.

Although Andi and I both thought this was Keegan's first time to spend the night away from her, it wasn't. He spent the night with me in January where Andi could get some rest.

I fed Keegan a bottle about 10 and he went to sleep by 10:45. He woke up about 6:45 and I gave him another bottle, while we snuggled in chair till about 8.

Hopefully, tonight will go as well. Andi has no phone service where she is, so she borrowed a phone last night and we talked for about 23 seconds before it cut us off. I hope she is able to enjoy herself and not worry about things here.

As for my sleep last night, it was interrupted by Jacob coming into my room after he woke from a bad dream. I was able to drift back to sleep pretty easily after calming him down.

What wasn't so easy to drift back to sleep from was when I took a drink of water out of my cup. I hadn't got the lid on securely and I was bathed in 32 ounces of ice water. Now THAT will wake you up in a heartbeat.