Thursday, January 03, 2008

Tell me what you learned today

The kids and I have decided to try something different. When I say "the kids and I have decided" what I should say is I have decided and they are the poor souls who have to implement my plan. Such is life.

Every evening at the dinner table I will give each of them the opportunity mandatory reporting time to tell me what they learned. And they will have to spill their guts. The only catch is that the thing they learned on any given day can not be something that they learned in the course of our actual school day but rather something that they found out on their own from reading.

Yes, reading. The thing they learn can't come from TV. Yesterday was our first day. It was very interesting to see what they chose to read about. Ryan told me a bit about skunks (only because he couldn't find his shark book). Carly reported on amoebas.

Wesley told me what he had learned about sperm and the rain cycle (2 separate subjects - the boy is not confused) and Jacob chose a subject near to his heart - why people get hungry.

I think this should be quite interesting and will be a nice change from "Sit up right in that chair." or "Quit kicking the table." which is heard at least twice a night.