Friday, January 04, 2008

One last Christmas party

I'm going to go to a party this evening for CASA volunteers and we are to bring a white elephant gift. Some lucky person will be the recipient of a can of Anti Monkey Butt Powder - courtesy of me :)

Like the label says "Indoors or outdoors, work or play or on occasions when you sit on your butt all day. Don't let your buns get red - use Anti Monkey Butt powder instead.

What exactly is Monkey Butt? According to the web site...."To start, it's not always called "monkey butt." It depends on what region of the country you're in, and how the sport you participate in has tagged the condition. For motorcycle riders who DO call it "monkey butt," it's a blue collar term used by riders to describe the soreness, itching and redness that occurs when you ride and sweat on a motorcycle for hours. If your butt is so sore that you have to walk bowlegged like a monkey, you have Monkey Butt!"