Thursday, December 13, 2007

Too bad, so sad

better luck next time. Tonight, I called my dear friend, Heidi, to see if she was home so I could bring something to her. Her husband said she would be home in a little bit - 26 minutes to be exact, depending on the stop light at the square.

So, 30 minutes later we head out to her house because I had made her a delicious (I'm guessing here) turtle cheesecake for watching Sophie while Andi was in the hospital Sunday.

NEVER have I seen someone bummed out to get a cheesecake from me. And not just a little bit bummed out either. It took me a minute to figure it out as she kept looking over my shoulder, but she thought I was bringing Keegan out to see her.

Then her kids started yelling and asking if he was there and I felt like a dog for just bringing some stinkin' ol' cheesecake instead of a baby.

In order to save our friendship, I told her that we would bring him out tomorrow afternoon - so hang on Heidi ~~~~ Keegan's coming! In the meantime, try to enjoy the cheesecake.