Saturday, December 29, 2007


by Jaime: Here's how it works:

Link to the person that tagged you (done)

Post the rules on your blog. (done)

Share 7 random and/or weird facts about yourself on your blog, (see below)

Tag 7 random people at the end of your post and include links to their blogs. (sheesh, OK)

Let each person know that they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog. (get ready)

Random Facts about Perri

1. I once went through a period of several months in jr. high trying to convince people my real name was Parrish and Perri was just a nick name. Like Parish is so much better.

2. Last year, Andi and I actually convinced someone my name was Periwinkle and Perri was my nickname. We forgot all about it till months later when this lady said I should use my "real" name and not my nickname when we were filling out some papers.

3. As a teenager, we once got 17 people in my dad's Gremlin. That was tricky. Getting everyone out - that was trickier.
4. I buy the very large calendars from Current every year so I have plenty of room to write on them.
5.I have every calendar for the past 15 years or so stored in a lock box - just in case I ever have to account for my whereabouts at 2:15 pm on February 17, 1985. I think they will be a valuable source of information.
6. Every time I eat popcorn, I tell myself (and sometimes others) that THIS will be the last time I ever eat popcorn, because I inevitably get a hull stuck in my teeth and it hurts.
7. Once I post this, I'm gonna go make me a big bowl of popcorn.
Now - to comply with the rules set forth above, I hereby tag:
2. Jodi