Tuesday, December 04, 2007

The Respect S.A.

After Jacob got mouthy with Andi this morning about his school work, he was given the assignment to write a 2 page essay -- or as he put it, S. A. I'm not sure what he was thinking - why would you roll your eyes and say, "whatever" to a woman who is 9 months pregnant and testy. So he wrote on respect.............

You must respect your teacher or you will get in trouble! (like me.) You have to respect them and you can do so by calling them Miss or Mr. You should respond by saying yes sir and yes mam. The teacher helps you all the time so the least you can do is be respectful. I was not respectful and now I feel bad. Now I know better and will respect my teachers.

I hope they will still help me. I love my teachers and I hope they love me. I know it's bad to talk back but some time I do. I'm not too fond of school, but I am fond of my teachers. I get on their nerves but they always forgive me and give me another chance. I love my teachers. I wish there was a way I can show them but not even words can describe how grateful I am to have them. They are the best teachers on earth. Make that in the solar system.

Not much I can do for them but tell them how I much I appreciate what they do. I can't spell that well, but I do my best. I get it done but my mom will sit with me and help me all the time. I do my best and sometimes I don't think my best is enough.

In math Andi helps me but I don't understand and get it wrong so Andi tells me again and explains it to me. I have some good teachers. If I could be a better student, life will go better for all. I sometimes get mad at them but I get over it and talk it out. I love my teachers but sometimes instead of saying "yes Mam" I say, "Whatever, give me back my book." So I get in trouble a lot. I found out how to be respectful.

I love my teachers -- not school.