Thursday, December 20, 2007

Puppy Love

It's now 6:26 and it's a good thing I have Sophie to look at because Ryan just puked so much I had to do something I've never done before in 24 years of motherhood - squeegee up puke.

Sophie has been wearing her new hat ALL DAY. She has a red mark under it so if you see her soon and she has a strange circular bruise all around her head, at least we will be able to explain it.

Keegan's blood test yesterday showed a major improvement and the bili-blanket was able to be discontinued today. He is back on track to being a healthy baby.

In the happy mail department, I was surprised today with a handwritten letter from Big Guy -- all mushy and sentimental. Andi had no idea he had written it, so she was just as surprised as I was when I brought the mail in. As if that priceless keepsake wasn't enough to make my day, he had enclosed a gift card to my most favorite restaurant - Longhorn's! I will be having me a mess of Wild West Shrimp next week!!!!