Saturday, December 01, 2007

Just some silliness

Following Mandy's lead to see how my mind works sometimes --

The rules are: Use the first letter of your name to answer each of the questions. They must be real places, names, things … nothing made up! If you can’t think of anything, skip it. You CAN’T use your name for the boy/girl name question. If your name happens to start with the same letter as mine, sorry, but you can’t use my answers! So join in the fun…

My name: Perri
Famous Singer: Perry Como
Four letter word: Pack
Color: Periwinkle
Gifts/Presents: Pictures
Vehicle: Pontiac
Things in a Souvenir Shop: plastic overpriced crap
Boy’s Name: Perry
Girl’s Name: Patricia
Movie Title: Piglet's Big Movie
Drink: Pepsi
Occupation: Police Officer
Celebrity: Parker Stevenson (think Hardy Boys)
Magazine: People
Pro Sports: Ping Pong
Fruit: Pear
Reason for Being Late for Work: Preoccupied thinking of the Hardy Boys
Something You Throw Away: Pizza boxes
Things You Shout: "Pizza's here"
Cartoon Character: Pepe Le Pew