Monday, December 10, 2007

Jacob's lucky night

After getting home from the hospital this evening, everyone was asleep but Jacob. I sat down to post my pictures of the kids and catch up a bit on my friends. Patricia had written about her weekend and having hot cocoa and "warm from the oven" chocolate chip cookies. From that point on, nothing else would do except that I have some too. I'm easily swayed at times.

Out the window went my previous plans to work in the garage while it was nice and quiet (my neighbors LOVE that) and to write a CASA report.

Instead, I had homemade cocoa from the washed out parade last week, so I made a couple of mugs of that. I just happened to have a package of break apart cookies that have been in my refrigerator for probably 6 months. I was never sure just what I was waiting on to bake them - now I know. I was waiting on a day like today when nothing else would do.

So we thank you Patricia for being the catalyst for our late night snack and I'm sure the other kids will send their thanks in the morning when they find out they are having cocoa and cookies for breakfast!