Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Call it what you want

Jacob says bribe, I call it incentive. This led to him asking, "So, we can bribe somebody to do something as long as we don't say bribe and call it a big fancy word?" Sometimes 10 year old kids can be a bit too smart for my own good.

So we will call it a bribe and this particular bribe is headed to Andi's doctor today with a request plea for a delivery date. Of course things have happened just as was predicted by so many people. Once Andi could get up and about, Keegan decided he was quite content to stay put.

We have several legitimate reasons. Andi has been extremely dizzy for about 4 days and her blood pressure has been up about 50 points over normal. Normally it runs really, really low, but it got so high the other night, she had to go back to the hospital.

Also, Big Guy is going to be gone to Indianapolis next week for his physical and psychological testing for his new job. No sense in taking a chance on him not being here.

Armed with our sound reasons and delicious gift, we will go today to plead our case. Wish us luck!